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Numele modelului: DP2000
DP2000 este un sistem automatizat de programare special conceput pentru tub si rola.
Sistemul este echipat cu un modul de programare în mișcare și 4 duze pentru a gestiona alegerea, plasarea, poziționare, programare și ieșire circuitelor integrate. Cu 4 duze care funcționează sincron cu modulul de programare în mișcare, DP2000 obtine cu ușurință un randament ridicat, 3.000 de unitati pe ora.
DP2000 is an automated programming system specially designed for tube/tape in & tape out. The system is equipped with a moving programming module and 4 nozzles to handle pick & placement of IC input, positioning, programming and IC output. With 4 nozzles functioning synchronously with the moving programming module, DP2000 easily achieves high throughput, 3,000UPH. This unique and creative design already obtained a patent.
- Dedicated for Tube or Tape in; Tape out.
- High Throughput: 3,000 UPH
- High Expansibility
- Software Supports NAND FLASH Bad Block Skip and Partition Programming
- Unique & Creative Design obtains a Patent
- Software Supports Work Project
- Fast & Accurate Positioning
- Support PSA & Heat Sealing
- Vertical & Horizontal Infrared Inspection
Standard Package
- DP2000 Main unit*1
- Vertical & Horizontal Infrared Inspection* 1
- Automated Taping Machine*1
- Electrical Tape Feeder Fixture*1
Optional Accessories
- ProgMaster-S8 Programmer
- Socket Adaptor
- Input/Output Positioner
- Automatic Tube In Loader
- Electrical Tape Feeder
- lnk Marker
- CCD Camera
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